Monday, June 07, 2004

staying connected

Thanks to the folks at Google, owners of this free service, I'm taking the next step in interactive communications -- creating my own blog.

My hope is that you will benefit in some way from the sometimes random thoughts bouncing around in my head. If you do, please let me know, and if you don't, I'd appreciate hearing that, too. My aim is to be of service to you, my relatives, friends and acquaintances.

I'll publish my thoughts here on a more or less regular basis, so please check back often. Your input will help me to serve you better (my previously stated goal).

The inaugural topic? Staying connected. How appropriate.

More important than anything else in life (from a secular perspective, anyway) is the need to get and stay connected -- to people, not places or things. Without people, life would be, well, lifeless.

When we experience some success or some tragedy, what's the first thing we want to do? That's right -- tell someone about it. Sharing our hopes, fears and dreams with other human beings validates our own existence (sounds corny, but it's true).

Now to the other side of the coin -- being the receiver of that desire to share. Uh-huh. Not quite so easy sometimes, right? But vitally important in staying connected. Being a sympathetic, patient listener is a skill we should work hard at developing every day of our lives.

A good listener is not only popular everywhere, but after a while he gets to know something.

-- Wilson Mizner (1876 - 1933)

Find someone today with whom you can connect. A relative, a friend, an acquaintance -- even a perfect stranger if the situation presents itself. And when you do, ask them about their day. Then listen to them. That's all, just listen. If you're sincere while you're listening, they'll know it, and you'll have a friend for life. Guaranteed.

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