Saturday, June 30, 2007

In Praise of the USA

Little did the first settlers from Great Britain suspect that the modest colony they established would someday become the strongest, most innovative and most generous nation the world has ever seen.

Our military, economic and political might are revered and even feared by every other developed country.

Almost single-handedly we have led the people of Earth through the industrial age into the information age and are now preparing to permanently colonize the Moon and the planets.

Whenever and wherever disaster strikes around the world, the United States of America opens her heart and her pockets to help alleviate the pain and repair the damage.

We are not perfect, and we never will be. But we are the best.

We are envied -- just take a look at the global immigration statistics.

We are hated by those who hate freedom -- 9-11 was proof enough of that.

What we have here is precious -- no, priceless.

If we are to remain strong, innovative and generous, we must continue to pay the ultimate price, whatever form it may take.

My challenge to you: in your own life, find some small way every day to pay that price.

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